Bluetooth barcode scanner

bluetooth barcode scanner

Mini Righto : bluetooth barcode scanner

Our miniature barcode Scanner miniRighto is a bluetooth barcode scanner with the latest Zebra Engine provides industry-leading scanning performance. Clients also have the option to upgrade their present 1D miniRighto to 2D miniRighto with the addition of minimum cost. It weighs  50 gm.  The 1D miniRighto can scan 80,000+ while the 2D miniRighto can scan 12000+ barcodes in a Single charge. It seamlessly connects to any device like mobile, tablet, or PC(with dongle) over Bluetooth.

Barcode scan engine: MiniRighto uses a CCD barcode scan engine with a maximum capacity of 300 scans/sec.Size: miniRighto is a miniature device with dimensions of 75mm*43mm*22mm and can be put on the belt or in the pocket.Battery: The battery used is standard mobile 850mAh capacity and lasts for 2 days of operation for one charge.Battery Charger: Any standard mobile micro USB charger can be used to charge the battery. Bluetooth connection: MiniRighto sends the barcodes over Bluetooth HID such that the barcode gets inserted at the command prompt location on the connected PC/Laptop or Mobile device.

300 scans/sec

75mm * 43mm * 22mm

200 gm

850 mAh Battery

Bluetooth connection