Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 has been trending, especially over the last three years. Companies are spending resources and implementing the principles of industry 4.0 because of the benefits and advantages it provides.

Industry 4.0 is often used with the notion of the fourth industrial revolution. It is characterized by:

·       More automation than 3rd revolution.

·        The combining of the physical and digital world through cyber-physical systems, enabled by Industrial IoT

·       The change from a central industrial control system to one where smart products define the production steps.

·       Closed-loop data models and control systems.

·       Personalization of product.

The goal is to implement autonomous decision-making processes, monitor assets and operations in real-time, and promote equally real-time connected value creation networks through stakeholders’ early involvement and vertical and horizontal integration.

IoT and the Cloud: A vital component of Industry 4.0 is the IoT characterized by connected devices and data. So with the use of the cloud environment where data is stored, it becomes easy to optimized equipment and procedures.  These devices help in internal operations by leveraging insights of industries/companies’ using equivalent equipment or to allow smaller enterprises to access the technology they wouldn’t be ready to on their own.

We here at Righto are helping the organization to achieve Industry 4.0 principles by offering our products. One of the primary industries that use our product is the apparel manufacturing industry.


Righto products come with IoT-based Automatic Identification and Data Collection(AIDC).

It collects unique data of an item/person from their attached barcodes, QR code or RFID. And then collected data is sent to the software for further processing. The data transfer occurs via Wifi, Bluetooth, or GPRS, which is embedded in the Righto modules.

In the apparel industry, the righto device installed on each operator tabletop for scanning RFID or Barcode attached to the apparel. When scanned, the data send to the server via wifi. The software acts as a middleware between Righto device and ERP(Enterprise resource planning). It receives real-time apparel scanning data and processes it for integration with ERP.

Below are some of the benefits of using Righto device in the Apparel Manufacturing industry:-

·       Boost Productivity

Real-time WIP data provides pointers to areas of improvements resulting in a 25% productivity boost

·       Improves Performance

Workers see the results of their hard work in real-time and get paid accordingly, resulting in moral and performance improvement.

·       Zero Defects

Complete visibility and back word tracing ensure zero defect products to customer

With the assistance of Righto, a room has become the foremost advanced department at an apparel manufacturing enterprise which significantly reduces the workload and increases work productivity